Global warming, biowarfare and Pandemic Treaty grifters congregate to raise funds

Last week, EcoHealth Alliance held a fundraiser to enable it to promote the Pandemic Treaty’s One Health approach around the world.

Michael Mann, infamous for creating the “hockey stick graph” at the centre of Climategate, spoke at the event.

“We are witnessing a convergence between the global warming movement, the biowarfare industrial complex, and the WHO Pandemic Treaty grifters,” says Dr. Toby Rodgers.

This really is World War III; It’s Team Tyranny vs. Team Freedom in the fight of our lives

By Dr. Toby Rogers

I’ve seen some crazy things over the last few years but this is off-the-charts insane.

Last week, Michael E. Mann spoke at the ‘EcoHeath Alliance: Green Planet One Health Benefit 2024’. Just to recap who each of these players are:

So, a leader in the global warming movement spoke at an event to raise money for the organisation that just murdered 7 million people and the campaign that intends to launch new pandemics in perpetuity to enrich the biowarfare industrial complex.

[Note: The “7 million” refers to “officially” recorded deaths from a SARS-CoV-2 infection.  However, the death toll from the lab-made virus is far higher due to the viral mRNA contained in the so-called vaccines.  A study published in September year estimated that 17 million people worldwide had been murdered by covid injection. Two years ago, Dr. David Martin predicted the injections would kill 700 million worldwide. Earlier this year, Dr. James Thorp said the best estimates are that 585 million had been killed or injured by covid injections, so far.]

And then just for good measure, Peter Hotez reposted all of this information on Twitter, I imagine in solidarity with all of the exciting genociding going on.

Mann’s appearance at this event is emblematic of a disturbing shift that has been years in the making. Serious and thoughtful people in the environmental movement tried to address industrial and military pollution for decades. Now their cause has been co-opted by big tech and other corporate actors with malevolent intentions – and the rest of the environmental movement has gone along with this, apparently without objection. So we are witnessing a convergence between the global warming movement, the biowarfare industrial complex, and the WHO Pandemic Treaty grifters.

I wish it wasn’t true but here we are.

Before I go any further, I need to make one thing clear: The notion that pandemics are driven by global warming is complete and total bullsh*t. The evidence is overwhelming that pandemics are created by the biowarfare industrial complex including the 13,000 psychopaths who work at over 400 US bioweapons laboratories (as described in great detail in ‘The Wuhan Cover-Up).

Unfortunately “global warming” has become a cover for the proliferation of the biowarfare industrial economy.

Mann’s appearance at an event to raise money for people who are clearly guilty of genocide (and planning more carnage) made me realise that this really is World War III. They are straight-up telling us who they are and what they intend to do.

The different sides in this war are not nation-states. Instead, Team Tyranny is a bunch of different business interests pushing what has become a giant multi-trillion-dollar grift. And Team Freedom is ordinary people throughout the world just trying to return to the classical economic and political liberalism that drove human progress from 1776 until 2020.

Here’s how I see the battle lines being drawn:

Their base: Elites, billionaires, the ruling class, the biowarfare industrial complex, intelligence agencies, and bougie technocrats. Our base: The medical freedom movement, Constitutionalists, small “l” libertarians, independent farmers, natural meat and milk producers, pirate parties, natural healers, homoeopaths, chiropractors, integrative and functional medicine doctors, and osteopaths.
Institutions they control: WEF, WHO, UN, BMGF, World Bank, IMF, most universities, the mainstream media, and liberal governments throughout the developed world. Aligned institutions: CHD, ICAN, Brownstone Institute, NVIC, SFHF, the RFK Jr. campaign, the Republican party at the county level…
Economic philosophy: The billionaires should control all wealth on earth. The peasants should only be allowed to exist to serve the billionaires, grow food, and fix the machines when necessary. Robots and artificial intelligence (“AI”) will soon be able to replace most of the peasants. Economic philosophy: Small “c” capitalism. Competition. Entrepreneurship.
Political philosophy: Centralised control of everything. Elites know best. The 90% should shut up, pay their taxes, take their vaccines, develop chronic disease and die. High-tech global totalitarianism is the best form of government. Billionaires are god. Political philosophy: Classical liberalism. The people, using their own ingenuity, will generally figure out the best way to do things. Decentralise everything including the internet. If the elites would just leave us alone the world would be a much more peaceful, creative, and prosperous place. Human freedom leads to human flourishing.
Philosophy of medicine: Allopathic. Cut, poison, burn, kill. Corporations create all knowledge. Bodies are machines. Transhumanism is ideal. The billionaires will soon live forever in the digital cloud. Philosophy of medicine: Nature is infinite in its wisdom. Listen to the body. Systems have the ability to heal and regenerate.
Their currency: For now, inflationary Federal Reserve policies. Soon, Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC”) will put the peasants in their place once and for all. Our currency: Cash, gold, crypto, and barter. (I don’t love crypto but lots of smart people in our movement do.)
Policy vehicles to advance their agenda: One Health; WHO Pandemic Treaty; social credit scores; climate scores; vaccine mandates/passports; lockdowns and quarantine camps; elimination of small farms and livestock; corporate control of all food, land, water, transportation and the weather; corporate control of social movements; and 15-minute cities for the peasants. Policy ideas: Exit the WHO. Boycott WEF companies. Repeal the Bayh-Dole Act, NCVIA Act, Patriot Act, and PREP Act. Add medical freedom to the Constitution. Prosecute the Faucistas at Nuremberg 2.0. Overhaul the NIH, FDA, CDC, EPA, USDA, FCC, DoD, and intelligence agencies. Make all publicly-funded scientific data available to the public. Ban insider trading by Congress. Support and protect organic food, farms and farmers’ markets. Break up monopolies. Cut the size of the federal government in half (or more).
Military strategy: Gain-of-function viruses, propaganda and vaccines. Our preferred tools to create change: Ideas, love for humanity, logic and reason, common sense, art and music, and popular uprising.

About the Author

Toby Rogers has a PhD in political economy from the University of Sydney, Australia. His doctoral thesis, ‘The Political Economy of Autism’, explores the regulatory history of five classes of toxicants that increase autism risk. He publishes articles on a variety of topics on his Substack page titled ‘uTobian’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

Featured image: EcoHeath Alliance, Green Planet One Health Benefit 2024 (left).  Michael E. Mann. Source: The Guardian (right).

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